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  • Shlomo Krudo

Myths of Caffeine. Is caffeine Bad for you?

Updated: Oct 21, 2022

Is caffeine bad for you? The answer is a varied pack of tales and data.

Suppose you are a regular caffeine consumer. You will have fun discovering facts about caffeine and the myths created through the years.

In scientific terms, caffeine is occurring and odorless. A bitter alkaloid is found in coffee beans and other plant products, such as tea, yerba mate, and cocoa.

In humans, caffeine targets the central nervous system. And is the most consumed psychoactive drug (affecting consciousness) worldwide. And one of the few substances whose consumption is legal.

It’s a psychoactive drug because it stimulates the central and autonomic nervous systems.

That’s why people like caffeine—it can block the receptors that make you feel tired and boost your ability to focus.

A six-ounce cup of coffee has about 100 to 200 milligrams of caffeine.

How Much Caffeine is in a Coffee Bean?

Despite what you may have heard. Roast doesn’t bear how much caffeine is in a coffee bean because caffeine is neither created nor destroyed during the roasting process.

Bean to the bean. The caffeine content is stable regardless of the roast level. What can affect the caffeine content of your cup is twofold:

•Species/Varietal. Robusta has about twice as much caffeine as arabica. Arabica beans have about 100 milligrams per six-ounce cup, and robusta beans have closer to 200 milligrams per six-ounce cup.

The level of caffeine can also vary among arabica plants depending on the varietal. But the differences aren’t all that significant.

•Roast level. What? I just said roast doesn’t matter! It doesn’t work on a bean-to-bean level. But you must consider weight.

Lighter beans. Weigh more than darker beans. A pound of dark roast coffee can have about 90 more beans. Then a pound of light roast coffee.

Therefore. If you measure your beans by weight. A 20-gram dose of dark-roast beans. Would have more caffeine than a 20-gram dose of light-roast beans. But. Only because there would be more beans in the dose.

On the flip side, light beans are smaller than dark beans as they don’t expand as much during the roasting process.

Suppose you measure your coffee in scoops. There will be more light beans per scoop than dark beans. Which means. There will be more caffeine in your light-roast cup than in your dark-roast cup.

In its natural form. Caffeine is a pesticide that kills or paralyzes certain insects and prevents other plants from growing too close to the host plant.

Tea leaves or ground coffee meet the boiling water, and extraction occurs. And produces flavors and aromas and creates unique drinks such as tea or coffee.

We Love Drinking Caffeinated Drinks

We love drinking caffeinated drinks. Taste plays a vital role in the importance it has for us. But the more significant substance that makes it so attractive is a bitter and odorless ingredient called caffeine.

We consume our beloved caffeine mostly in the coffee we drink.

The morning cup of coffee not only became a necessity for many people. But entire cultures grow around coffee.

We sit in cafes and enjoy our coffee drinks, which have become one of the most popular leisure activities, as are business meetings.

Many unique blends of coffee arrive from many parts of the world. Companies and individuals are working hard to make new recipes. Even alternative ways to serve coffee have become an art form.

You can find natural caffeine in leaves. Various plants, such as coffee beans and tea bush, have fruit and seeds.

The most common form of consumption is food such as chocolate and ice cream. Or popular drinks include coffee, tea, cola, and energy drinks.

Recently, people have been consuming caffeine in its pure form as caffeine tablets and various medications.

Caffeine is gaining immense popularity thanks to its rapid and influential effect on people.

Is Caffeine Bad For You?

Caffeine stimulates the body’s central nervous system and metabolic system. Responsible for processing and creating the substances needed for various bodily functions.

Its effect is swift and effective. Its effects are noticeable on the person within only about 15 minutes of consuming it.

Caffeine has structural properties similar to adenosine, which is crucial in transmitting signals in the central nervous system.

Due to the chemical similarity between the two substances. Its chemical structure allows caffeine to cross the blood-brain barrier. The adenosine receptors absorb the caffeine in its place, affecting the system’s activity.

Like similar substances in the xanthine family, caffeine also affects other essential substances in the central nervous system, such as adrenaline (epinephrine) and dopamine.

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Adenosine and Caffeine Molecules Charts. Structural similarities are highlighted in blue.

With a reasonable consumption. Caffeine’s effects include relieving fatigue, improving alertness and awareness, and increasing the ability to concentrate and think.

It increases the body’s metabolic rate and physical endurance.

Along with its positive implements, some adverse effects exist, including myths about their effects.

Is It addictive?

This is the most popular question among readers and in any discussion about caffeine.

The simple answer is yes – caffeine is an addictive substance.

Because it affects the central nervous system, its continuous use causes physical dependence.

Withdrawal symptoms last from two to nine days and include: Headaches, fatigue, irritability, trouble concentrating, anxiety, and sometimes a depressed mood.

I base the more complicated answer on the addictive substance definition.

Most times, the definition should include the threat to the health, social, and economic integrity of the addicted person, as with alcohol or heroin addictions.

As a whole, caffeine does not meet this criterion. So those who accept this definition. Do not consider it an addictive substance.

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Does It improve mental and physical abilities?

Simple answer: Yes, In reasonable amounts.

The central nervous system’s excitatory effects on sharpness and clarity of thought increase concentration and improve cognitive abilities.

The stimulation that caffeine creates in the metabolic process allows for faster fat burning and release of energy to the muscles.

Alongside the central nervous system’s effects, caffeine improves physical abilities in physical endeavors and endurance efforts.

The more complicated answer includes adverse effects on the mental side. Such as an increased tendency to anxiety. Which may affect the ability to think and concentrate.

The talk of a false sense of energy that can cause injuries exists on the physical side.

Also, a concern about the increase in blood pressure and heart rate: joined with strenuous exercise, may be harmful to people with high blood pressure.

It is interesting to see in this context—the effect of caffeine on the cognitive abilities of other animals, such as spiders.

Does It Cause Insomnia?

The simple answer is no. Our body absorbs Caffeine, processes it, and eliminates it at high speed.

Five hours after consuming caffeine. The body eliminates half of it; within ten hours, around 75 percent of the caffeine is out of our bodies.

One coffee cup in the morning will not affect most people’s sleep.

The more involved answer is that each person has a different sensitivity and resistance to many substances, including caffeine.

Several of us could drink a cup of coffee at ten at night, which will not affect the quality of our sleep. And the speed at which we fall asleep.

While for others. A cup of coffee at such an hour will ruin the night’s sleep.

Sleep experts recommend avoiding caffeinated drinking beverages in the evening and at night.

Can Caffeine Stunt Growth or Causes Disease?

The simple answer is no. Contrary to popular belief, no established link exists between moderate coffee consumption and heart disease or high blood pressure.

There is no evidence that it affects or inhibits the growth of children.

The situation is even the opposite. Studies indicate that caffeine’s reasonable consumption reduces the risk of developing several diseases, including cancers and type 2 diabetes.

The complicated answer is that studies present a general and statistical picture of the link between certain diseases and caffeine.

Still, as I have already mentioned, there are people with caffeine sensitivity, and there are always exceptions.

Is It a Diuretic?

Simple answer: No. Contrary to popular belief, no established link exists between moderate coffee consumption and heart disease or high blood pressure.

There is no evidence that caffeine affects or inhibits the growth of children.

Studies show that caffeine’s reasonable consumption reduces the risk of developing several diseases, including cancers and type 2 diabetes.

Is Caffeine good for you?

It is important to remember that the information here refers to reasonable caffeine consumption, with variable amounts from one person to another.

We consider up to three cups of coffee or tea a day reasonable.

And yet, caffeine is a drug, and drinking significant amounts of coffee can have unpleasant effects on our health.

Consumption of caffeine in reasonable amounts does not cause adverse effects in most people. And even results in a positive impact.

Caffeine is much more than a drug. Its consumption in tea or coffee has become a ritual, and it is part of our daily routine, just as food is. And it does not go to change in the foreseeable future.



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